Friday, October 17, 2008


Halloween is right around the corner and I hope everyone has plans to carve pumpkins real soon. Let's get pumped for this holiday by watching scary clowns!

The power of glamour

Virginia Postrel "muses on the true meaning, and the powerful uses, of glamour -- which she defines as any calculated, carefully polished image designed to impress and persuade". via TED

Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain Campaign Makes Dirty Phone Calls!

The Huffington Post has a recorded robocall from the McCain campaign which has been sent out in over ten states. Basically, the RNC thinks that their best attack on Obama is his past association with Ayers and they're gonna ride that wave until election day by sending automated "Obama has links to terrorists" phone calls.

Is there really any denying that this is dirty campaigning?

Sadly, this tactic plays out perfectly with the fears of many people. When you think we have come far as a nation or that Obama has a strong enough lead, do yourself a favor and watch this video:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama Launches a Tax Calculator

See how much of a tax cut you'll receive under his tax plan.


Cool Creative Commons Promo Vid

Jesse Dylan, director of Obama's "Yes We Can" video, has made a film about Creative Commons. It was released today, the first day of their annual campaign.

via Lessig Blog

Monday, October 13, 2008

Toyota's 56-MPG iQ Is State Bound

This is a cute little car. I myself have a Yaris, but it gets no where near 56mpg. Really where are all the plug-in hybrids or fully electric cars Toyota? I wonder if I will be seeing any of these zip past me soon. Probably not until the whole "ecomonic crisis" end is nigh [yawn]. via Wired

The Red Lending Menace