Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Nations 10 Most Awsome Public Libraries

Proof that libraries are cooler than you think?

Throughout American history, the desire for libraries has inspired cities, architects and robber barons to build, not just boxes for books, but secular temples to the worship of words. Here are America's 10 coolest, from old school Beaux-Arts beauties to the airy halls of contemporary architecture"

America's 10 Coolest Public Libraries

See a slide show of the coolest libraries in the nation.

A 3-minute story of mixed emoticons

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sing It

Bjork wrote a piece on sustainability and the affects the economic crisis is having on Iceland.

"Iceland can be more self-sufficient and more creative - and still have an approach that is more 21st than 19th century. It can build fewer, smaller and greener dams. Let's use this economic crisis to become totally sustainable. Teach the world all we know about geothermal power plants. Support the Icelandic seed companies. Support the grass roots. It may take longer to build and deliver profits but it is solid, stable and something that will stand independently of the rollercoaster rides of Wall Street and volatile aluminium prices.

And it will help Iceland to remain what it is best at: being a gorgeous, untouched force of nature."

After financial meltdown, now it's smeltdown
via The Times

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wassup 2008

"Its been eight long years since the boys said wassup to each other. Even with the effects of a down economy and imminent change in the White House, the boys are still able to come together and stay true to what really matters."

Keep on Biking in the Winter

Tips to Keep Biking in Winter via GOOD / blog

"The big fears for would-be winter bikers are snow, ice and cold.

Snow and ice are not as big a problem as people think, Glowacz said. Even after a big storm, big streets are usually clear a day later. "For every one snowflake, the city throws five grains of salt," Glowacz said.

As for the cold, the key is to know how to dress. Biking in winter means layering, so you can strip a layer as the exercise warms you up.

On cold days, ski goggles keep your nose from running, according to Martin Hazard, a bike shop worker who co-chairs Chicago Bike Winter, a program for keeping people biking all year. Hazard also likes balaclavas -- those knit hats favored by bank robbers." Dave "Mr. Bike" Glowacz interview in the SunTimes