Monday, October 27, 2008

Keep on Biking in the Winter

Tips to Keep Biking in Winter via GOOD / blog

"The big fears for would-be winter bikers are snow, ice and cold.

Snow and ice are not as big a problem as people think, Glowacz said. Even after a big storm, big streets are usually clear a day later. "For every one snowflake, the city throws five grains of salt," Glowacz said.

As for the cold, the key is to know how to dress. Biking in winter means layering, so you can strip a layer as the exercise warms you up.

On cold days, ski goggles keep your nose from running, according to Martin Hazard, a bike shop worker who co-chairs Chicago Bike Winter, a program for keeping people biking all year. Hazard also likes balaclavas -- those knit hats favored by bank robbers." Dave "Mr. Bike" Glowacz interview in the SunTimes

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